
...............Related Links...............

 1. The Computer Museum

 2. Licklider's original paper 
    titled "Man-Computer Symbiosis," 
    written in 1960; also, the first paper
    written about the Internet, in 1967: 
    "The Computer as a Communications 
    Device," by Licklider and Taylor.

 3. Licklider's famous memo to the Members
    and Affiliates of the Intergalactic 
    Computer Network (1963)

 4. Information Sciences Institute 
    for RFC's

 5. Charles Babbage Institute

 6. A Brief History of the Internet 
    by Leiner, Cerf, Clark, Kahn, Kleinrock, Lynch, Postel, 
    Roberts and Wolff

 7. BBN's Timeline

 8. The Discovery Channel's Illustrated History of the Net
 9. Documents on the Developmental 
    History of SAGE
10. Community Memory Discussion List
.  where wizards stay up late...       the machine shop   .
.                                                         .
.    pioneers of the net  *  maps  *  links  *  home      .
